Children Learn What They Experience


It doesn’t matter whether your home is blended or not, children learn what they live. A blended home just provides two versions of what children see and live with.  

Quite simply it really is all how you handle things.  The fine line between handling something positively or critically in a negative way makes a huge difference in how a child feels about themselves and treats others.  This is very common sense to me, but given the state of our nation and families, I’m not quite sure it’s so common any longer.

I am one who has always believed that everything works out as it should.  It doesn’t mean the difficult experiences are not difficult, but believing there is a reason and that there’s an end in sight, helps me to move through.  Lately, I’ve been feeling frustrated at my own level of acceptance. Learning to discern the line between tolerance and being walked on isn’t always simple or painless.  Years ago, I learned to let go of things I have no control over, but I still struggle with when enough is enough.  At the end of the day, being a mom is the most difficult job I have ever had. It is also the most valuable. Every action and word impacts my children. I need to learn to let go of some of the weight of not allowing myself enough grace to make mistakes.  I screw up and because I hold this “job” in such high regard, I am really hard on myself when I do screw up.  

It simply comes down to this: my children love me and have the ability to forgive me.  I wish I could figure out a way to do that a little easier myself. They’re pretty good teachers… I bet I could learn a thing or two. After all, children do learn what they live.

