Bittersweet Back to School

Back to school is very bittersweet for me.  I love lazy days we sometimes get in summer, yet I also love the routine of school. I love school supplies and organizing and yes, even filling out forms all while I wish we had more time to just go camping or hit the beach! The end of summer seems like it swoops in and bam! it’s over and we’re back to school.  Part of that in my family, is our August is filled with band camp, cheer camp, and practices for other activities right before school starts.  This year our kids are a junior in high school, a new middle schooler, a first grader and a two year old who wants to go to school so badly!


This season of our lives is hectic, no doubt. And though it’s absolutely a thousand fold true that we are always busy, I hate that competitive “I’m busier than you,” that seems to exist amongst people.  In reality, we’re all busy. Just being a mom makes that the case.  You finally sit down for one second only to be inundated with “I’m hungry. Can I have a snack?” or “I need to pee,” then your potty training toddler sits on the potty for one second and make a “psssssss” sound pretending she’s peeing 800 times a day. As soon as that’s done, it’s time to pick someone up or drop someone off with only a short window of time to ensure everyone gets home, connects about their day, does homework, eats supper and has some down time before heading off to the next practice, rehearsal, or game.

Life is busy, yes. But as I told my husband, I simply try to make the best of it while we are in this season of our lives.  I do not love driving everywhere all the time–mom taxiing all day long, but what each of our children is learning and garnering from their time in band, cheerleading, and cross country is worth it. I couldn’t be prouder of the students, the teammates, and people that they are!

As I sent my only son off  to begin his junior year in high school earlier this week, I shared my standard, “Have a good day, I’m proud of you. Be sure to make good choices.”  He half smiled at me as I then said, “We only have ONE more first day of school now…” with tears filling my eyes.


One of the pieces I feel blessed with of having a 16 year old, 12 year old, 6 year old, and 2 year old is looking at my oldest and youngest—having a visual, living reminder of how quickly children truly grow up.

Despite being busy, having a very involved and active family, I recognize our time is now finite with him. Next summer will not look like any other before. It will be the very last summer of his childhood, preparing for his senior year of high school.  He will spend more time with his own activities and events that simply don’t include me.

There are moments the thought of that is saddening, yet at the same time that is exactly how they should be…  As parents, we teach our children to walk away from us, the very moment they take their first steps as babies. We just don’t realize how swiftly that actually happens.

School is officially back in session–you will find me at a football field or in my car if you need me!
