Dear Mother-in-law…

Dear Mother-In-Law,
img_3547You helped your son learn to walk and then helped take the hand of your grandchildren for their first steps. You read to your little boy as he sat on your lap and now you get to do the same with your grandchildren. You raised a great man that I have been able to call my husband, you have cared for me like your own daughter for the past 10 years, and you have become the best grandparent to our kids. We are so lucky that our kids have such a wonderful grandmother and I am very lucky to have a mother-in-law like you.

Our daughter looks forward to seeing you walk up to the house every time we tell her you are on your way. You have gone from just hugs and kisses, to ‘Amma, to the wonderful title of Grandma. And I’m sure our son will have his own title for you as well, but for now you are hugs and kisses.

You bring good books into our household and read to them from your lap. Building their range of words and love for stories. You teach them things that only you can. You amazingly express your love for the church to help them grow faithfully, not just by your actions but also through singing the songs to help calm them when they cry. You have also helped me become a part of the church and learn more about my faith along the way.


You have helped us more times that I can count, even being there when our little girl was born helping out by the hospital bed as I was in labor. From day one of our kid’s lives you have always had a smile on your face and helping hand when we needed someone. You are the best babysitter on days when we need an extra set of hands or just a night out, and you are always here without question.

Before you were a grandma you were my mother-in-law, but more importantly you were a friend. Like a mother, I could confide in you my fears of being in school and problems I was having with friends. But being a mother-in-law you could also be my confidant when it came to understanding your son. As I became part of your family you shared family stories, showed me pictures and made me feel like I was one of your clan.


You became the example of what it meant to love your family and love your husband. You’ve always wanted the best for your son and that extends to me. Praying and sharing words of wisdom for our family and for our marriage, you show how God works in our lives. You share through example, sharing your love and kindness for your family and for others.

You have been a good role model for what it meant to be a good teacher, a good wife and especially a good mother. I am lucky to call you my mother-in-law, and more importantly my friend.



Your Daughter-in-law