Let’s End the Mommy Wars


Being a mom is already a tough job, keeping our children alive and loved should come with a Nobel Peace Prize. But add in any judgment from a mom who does things a little differently than you and you have a recipe for a mommy war. Can’t we all just get along? Can’t we all just cheer each other on and pass the wine and coffee when needed instead of side eye and gossip? Even though we don’t all do things the same, there is one thing we all have in common, and that is that we love our children. Let’s focus on supporting each other and lifting each other up vs. tearing each other down. Here are some common topics that can typically cause mommy wars:

Vaginal delivery vs. C-Section It does not matter how you gave birth to your baby, because YOU STILL GAVE BIRTH! Every single birth is different no matter how your baby was delivered. Each also has its own pros and cons so who are we to judge? As long as your baby was born healthy, who cares which way it arrived. By the end of our third trimester we could care less if that baby came out through our eye balls, we just wanted it out!

Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding– Is your baby eating? Great, you are an awesome mom. Whether it’s coming from the boob or bottle your baby is getting the nutrition is needs. I firmly believe that fed is best and we should not judge eachother based on how we chose to feed our babies. I have breast fed and formula fed myself and they both provide the healthy nutrition my baby needs. Kudos to you for providing nourishment, whichever way you chose to do so.

formula and pump pic


Cloth Diaper vs. Disposable diaper– Changing dirty diapers is not my favorite past time no matter what my baby’s butt is covered with. So choose what works for you and your family and let’s all agree that they look adorable no matter what they are wearing.

Working mom vs. Stay at home mom– Whether you work inside the home as a stay at home mom or outside the home fulfilling your career, they are both so tough! They both mean that you are trying your very best to do what is best for your children and what is best for you. Both roles has it’s sets of challenges but can both be so rewarding. So let’s not judge eachother on what we chose to do. We are all trying to do what is best for our children, and that can mean different things for different families!

So, can we agree to end the mommy wars since we have enough to worry about in today’s world. Let’s learn to love and accept one another, our children are watching.

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Anny Bezilla
Anny is a mommy to two beautiful girls. Sofia is 7 and Olivia is 3 years old. Anny was born in the Dominican Republic and moved to New Jersey with her family when she was 5. She is bilingual and is fluent in Spanish. She has been a Jersey girl most of her life until six years ago when she moved with her husband to Pittsburgh, where he’s originally from. Anny has a career in Recruiting/Human Resources and is currently working as a Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist. Anny strives to find a good work life balance while having two little ones. Anny loves living in Pittsburgh and exploring the city’s Latin culture. She also loves to write and blogging has always been something she has wanted to do! For good laughs, follow Anny’s funny FB page at hotmessmomanny and on Instagram at hotmessmom where she provides comic relief to us moms that are just trying to get through life.