No I Don’t Know When I’ll Have My Next Kid, And I’m Okay With That

I remember when I was younger, I just knew I’d have my first baby at 25.  Then at the age of 20, I saw my positive pregnancy test.  I realized anything I “planned” for my life was out the door.  My entire life switched and became focused on my baby that was coming whether I was ready or not.  I decided to get ready for her and whatever life throws at us.  As I write this I’m still learning we can never really be ready for life gives us; but we can control how we handle it.


One question people loved asking me after she was born was. “When are you having the next one?”. I always politely followed with, “I don’t know, one is enough for me for now.”  Then I’d be warned that I better have one soon because I don’t want to wait too long.  These conversations always made me laugh because I felt and feel like I’m barely getting by with my one.   I couldn’t think about having another baby so soon after my first.  I definitely still have first time mommy insecurities now as much as I did then.  Every day brings a new challenge and stage of motherhood.  In this year alone we’ve gone through so much with my babygirl.

Being the oldest of 4 kids also makes me appreciate spending time with my daughter, just me and her.  I always had to share my mom.  I want her to feel like I’m all hers and she doesn’t have to share me (for now).  As much as I would love to keep her a baby, (and I’m trying) I know there will be a time when she will be her own person and won’t need me as much.  So I am in no rush to make her a big sister just yet.  I just want appreciate every moment we share together.


With all this said, all of my mommy friends are super heroes.  If you can take care of all your kids, no matter how many, and responsibilities you rock! Being mom is not easy by any means. I love getting baby fever from all the baby pics on my time line.  They do make me wonder are we ready for our next one but they also serve as a great reminder of how far we came.  In all fairness, my daughter does have an older brother giving me a little wiggle room for adding an extra sibling.  I do want her to grow up with brothers or sisters, but I also want her to have her own time as well.

To answer your question random strangers. No I don’t know when I’ll have my next baby and I am perfectly fine with that. 🙂

Are you a mommy of an only child? Do you get asked this or any other questions about your next baby? Comment below and share your experiences. Do you know any mommies with one baby?  Be sure to like and follow on FB and Instagram for more!

Thanks for reading!