Things You [Probably] Say and Do If You Have a Toddler

It is no secret that toddlers can be challenging. They have no idea what they want, when they want it, until they have to have it at that very second. Spend a day with a toddler and you will see more emotions in one hour than you typically go through in a week.


For all of us in the trenches of toddlerhood this list is for you, to ensure you that you are not alone. (And, to those who have made out of said trenches, I’m sure this list will bring back memories).

Here is a short list of things you [probably] say and/do if you have a toddler at home:

  1. Use a song to encourage your toddler to clean up. And, by song I mean one that goes “Clean up. Pick up. Put away. Clean up every day” or “Clean up. Clean up. Everybody, everywhere. Clean up. Clean up. Everybody do your share.” There’s no need to hide the fact that you just sang both of those songs. There is also no shame in admitting that you sing them to yourself after the kiddos are in bed and you are cleaning up the house.
  2. Speaking of songs, in a typical day you probably sing no less than 187675 songs. Some are actual songs from the radio. Some are nursery rhymes. Some are from whatever show/movie your toddler is currently obsessed with (in our house we have been on a Frozen kick since Christmas). And, some songs are a special kind that only come out as a result of motherhood. You know what I’m talking about – eating dinner? Let’s make up a random song about it. The toddler is helping you give the baby a bath, why of course there is a random song that makes no sense to go along with it (this may have been #TrueStoryThisIsMyFridayNight). 
  3. Make what feels like a million snacks and meals throughout the day. I mean there’s breakfast, second breakfast, before lunch snack, lunch, after lunch snack, the “I can’t quite make it to dinner” snack, dinner, and a before bed snack. You may also wonder on a daily basis where on earth your toddler is fitting all that food? (…and then of course there are those days where they eat just about nothing… which is equally as confusing). The combination of foods toddlers eat can be pretty crazy too, but let’s save that for another post!
  4. Say the most ridiculous things. I wish I kept better track of things I’ve had to say to my toddler (as well as things my toddler has said to me). It’s amazing the things you have to teach your toddler that seem common sense for the rest of us, such as “don’t put your finger in the dog’s butt,” “please don’t throw your baby doll down the stairs,” “no you don’t need to come in while I go to the bathroom” and “hands are not for hitting they are for clapping and hugging” (I’ve been singing that last one lately, refer back to number 2). 
  5. End up doing things last minute because the days just seem to speed by. This post? – yup you guessed it I’m writing it right up against my deadline as the toddler snacks on applesauce (as breakfast) and watches Curious George – speaking of she is calling me for more applesauce right now! (Anyone else have a toddler in the “right now” stage?)

Hang in there mamas – and enjoy this time! Even though they are a challenge the comedic relief I get from my sweet toddler on a daily is seriously the best!

What are somethings that you never thought you would do, but do now as a mom of a toddler?


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Nicole G.
Nicole is a mom to two children each with big personalities - Reagan is currently 4 and Tyler is 2, they are exactly 26 months apart to the day, and ever since Tyler was born life has been non-stop! She's a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom who works full time as a virtual Social Studies teacher for middle and high school students. Although she was originally from the North Hills, 10 days before Reagan was born her and her husband relocated to the South Hills. (However, within the year they will be heading back North of the city to be closer to family). Nicole would rather spend time outdoors, preferably in the fall with a good book and a cup of coffee (or glass of wine), but realistically she is generally multi-tasking between work and the kids. She does love cooking and can often be seen having dance parties in the kitchen (usually with Reagan) while making dinner.